Monday, March 12, 2007

A Year in a (Blog) Life

Saturday was the one year anniversary for A Velvet Cage. I felt like I had limped along long enough at my old blog, which was primarily the story of our fertility efforts. I wanted a new (darker) look and feel, and a broader focus. Incidentally, I no longer consider myself to be infertile, I think I just missed my window.

I'll continue to meander about, writing about books and music and horses and dogs and whatever else strikes my fancy or gets my dander up. Thanks for coming along for the ride.


  1. Happy Blogiversary, Donna. And what a gorgeous photo, thanks for sharing that.

    I am interested in what you said about missing your window. that makes a lot of sense. Do you feel better with that angle on the childlessness?

  2. Thank-you so much for saying that - I am so tired of hearing people spout the whole "once an infertile, always an infertile". I always think that's only if you want to keep defining yourself that way.
    How are you liking snowflower - I read it a couple of months ago.

  3. Keep up the wonderful work, Donna!

    I've thoroughly enjoyed visiting your blog ever since you first popped by mine. Even though we live in such different situations in our respective corners of the world, I've found that I can relate to many things you say. :)

  4. Happy Anniversary, sweetie! -Kym

  5. Happy anniversary Donna. I'm really grateful you're here.

  6. Wow. That year went quickly. I have enjoyed your blog and look forward to more.

  7. It's been a great year to read your blog. Thanks Donna.

  8. Congratulations! I hope I can hang in there that long.
